The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Virginia Tattoo Trip Day 1 - 21st Apr 2012

Virginia Tattoo Trip Day 1 The Journey…

The Highland Dance Company of New Zealand has finally made it to Virginia for their first overseas trip.

It all started Thursday lunchtime when we the first dancers arrived at Auckland airport. Everyone was really excited and looking very sharp in our team uniforms. We were entertained at the airport with young one direction fans screaming and running, unfortunately there was no sign of the band themselves. The plane ride to Los Angeles was LONG but most managed to watch a couple of movies and get some sleep. One dancer managed to lose her recently purchased iphone causing a plane wide search with multiple PA announcements only for it to be found down the side of her seat 4 hours later! Following a 4 hour wait in LA, we headed to Chicago, where we were all eagerly awaiting our 6 hour terminal wait. We were literally the only ones in Chicago airport at 1 am so we managed to get in some rehearsal time before resting, reading, resting, reading etc. Finally at 5 am when everything opened we could get our first McDonalds of the trip and board our final airplane to Norfolk.

Norfolk is a lovely green city and the friendly Virginia team was there to meet us, excited to see some of their favourite dancers returned for another year. We went straight from the plane to the costume fitting, then to the Supermarket then finally to our amazing beach front hotel. The hydroslides and spa pool brought us back from our jet lag and helped us feel human again. We went out for dinner, extra largeicecreams and are settling in for an early night in preparation for our first day of rehearsals tomorrow.

Kate and Sara

See Gallery for all photos

Virginia Tattoo Trip - 18th Apr 2012

Good luck and best wishes to all the dancers travelling to Virginia for the Tattoo. Hope you all have a great time and look forward to hearing about your ventures daily

Safe travelling

Executive Committee

South Canterbury Teachers & Judge Workshop - 17th Apr 2012

South Canterbury Teachers & Judges Workshop
Date: 6 May 2012
Venue: Bronz Beat Dance Studio - Timaru
Tutor: Mrs Julie Hawke

Further information contact Mandy Gillies -

See Downloads for Registration form

NZ Dancer does well in Scotland - 12th Apr 2012

NZ Dancer does well in Scotland Rina McDonald is one of Vicky Maples 12 year old pupils who is away dancing in Scotland while visiting her Scottish Grandmother.

Rina danced at the tartan day competition in Arbroath and  won the age group cup for 13 and under open

Hawkes Bay Exam Workshop - 22nd Mar 2012

The Hawkes Bay Teachers & Judges are running an Exam Workshop on 21/22 April - tutor Mrs Sherilyn Hall.
See Downloads for the registration form

Nelson Exam Workshop - 20th Mar 2012

Examination Workshop Sunday 25 March 2012

Funded by the Nelson Highland Dancing Organisation
At the New Hub Dance Studio, New Street, Nelson

Time 1-5.30pm

Tutor: Mrs Robyn Simmons, Blenheim.

For further information contact Helen Inkster -

Dunedin Adjudicators workshop - 13th Mar 2012

The Ghillie Callum Club is hosting a Adjudicator's workshop on 25 March 2012.

Venue: Concord School
Date: 25 March 2012
Time: 10a.m. - 3 p.m.
Tutors: Annetta Cowie, Jackie McBride, Lynette Mitchell, Jacqui Seque

If you would like any further information please contact Jackie McBride, Box 4041 Dunedin by 19 March

Reminder - Exam Entries - 27th Feb 2012

Reminder to all teachers to exam entries close on Thursday 01 March.
please ensure they are posted early

The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing Inc., PO Box 5470, Palmerston North
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