The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Auckland Summer School 2012 - 7th Feb 2012

Auckland Summer School 2012 The annual Auckland Summer School took place on the 7-10th January at Auckland Academy of Dance.

Students were tutored by Mrs Sherilyn Hall, Mrs Lynette Mitchell and Mrs Vicky Maples.

The four days cumulated in a display in front of family and friends.

See the Gallery for more photos

Hawkes Bay Summer School 2012 - 16th Jan 2012

Hawkes Bay Summer School 2012 Hawkes bay Summer School was held over 13-15 January with Tutor Robyn Simmons
Scholarship Winners were
Under 10 - Rosemary Yorke & Keighly Woodmass
10 & Under 13 - Annabel Thompson & Ruia Waite
13 yrs & Over - Dayna Murrell & Aleisha Cotton

See Gallery for photos of age groups

Our Patron Beckie Rout's Birthday - 14th Dec 2011

Our Patron Beckie Rout's Birthday

Recently our Patron Mrs Beckie Rout celebrated her 80th birthday. Here is a photo of Beckie's cake

Change to rules - Senior Progressive Cutting Step - 11th Dec 2011

From the 01 January 2012,  competitors 18 years & over may perform the Senior Progressive Cutting Step in any age group when the adjudicator has requested the Progressive Cutting Step.

Tauranga Regional Dance Group - 30th Nov 2011

Tauranga Regional Dance Group Och aye ... they can dance

You’ve heard of Happy Feet – how about Dancing Feet?
In a move to raise the profile of Highland Dancing as a modern art form, an innovative new dance is ready to hit the stage.
While the dance has been devised and choreographed at a national level, 10 young dancers from the Western Bay of Plenty are doing their bit to see it performed outside the main cities. Tutored by Regional Co-ordinator Christine Paul, the 10 dancers are all from three local dance schools. All the dancers had to audition at the national level for selection – to qualify they had to be aged at least 14 years and have passed the Grade 5 examination.
Christine says the group has worked extremely hard learning the intricate dance and they are looking forward to being able to showcase it at suitable occasions in and around the Bay of Plenty area.
The dance item is performed in full Highland dress to music composed and played by one of New Zealand’s top competitive bagpipers, Jamie Hawke from Christchurch. The dance itself was choreographed two Technical members of the NZ Academy of Highland and National Dancing and it is innovative and inspiring for the dancers and the audience. The dance has already been performed by the national dance team and was extremely well received by audiences in Auckland and Christchurch – most notably at Rugby World Cup events involving the Scottish rugby team.
The aim is to promote highland dancing as quality dance entertainment. If you know of any opportunities for the Dancing Feet group to perform please contact Christine Paul, ph 552 4164.

Names for the caption: L to R

Heidi McIntosh
Angus Hendry
Morgan Jack
Nicola Dunnery
Kirsty-Lee Gray
Bridget Karton
Rikayla Richardson
Brittany Kirk
Sarah Benes
Niamh Blackman

2012 Dance Group applications - 22nd Nov 2011

See downloads for the amended version of the requirements for new applications to the regional group and national dance group

Annual General meeting minutes and reports - 21st Nov 2011

The 2011 Annual General meeting minutes and reports are available as a download from the download section

Youth Forum Posters - 16th Nov 2011

At the recent Youth Forum, they were asked to design posters to give to schools to encourage children to learn Highland - See the Gallery for their great colourful posters

The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing Inc., PO Box 5470, Palmerston North
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