The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing wish to use this website as a place to store historical information. There is a growing collection of image galleries showing the diverse range of activities our members are involved in.If you have images that you think should be here please contact us so we can discuss the best way to get them in place.

Getting Started in Dance Awards
These images are from Hawke's Bay - pupils of Gay Reid and Nicole Brockhurst

Malborough Dance Centre Concert 2010
Photo details as follows: 1. Birds in Mama Odie's Den - Grade 1 & 2 dancers 2. Dr Facilier, the evil Witch Doctor and her Shadow - danced by Sara Simmons and Danielle Pope 3. Fireflies in the Bayou - Grades 3 & 4 classes 4. Glow-Worms in the Bayou - Beginner Highland class 5. Louis the Alligator - danced by Caitlin Morris with one of the Jazz classes 6. Sailor Dolls - Level 2 class 7. & 8. Shadows - Senior dancers 9. Voodoo Masks in Dr Facilier's Emporium - Senior dancers 10. Waitresses in Tiana's Restaurant - Initial dancers

Auckland Summer School 2010
A very successful summer school was held in Auckland. Tutors: Mrs Adrienne Haberfield Mrs Kimberley Mavor Mrs Susan Edwards

Scottish Festival 2010
On Sunday 14th February the Canterbury West Coast Centre of the Piping and Dancing Association participated in a Scottish Cultural Festival afternoon. The venue Riccarton House and Bush was picture perfect and the afternoon remained fine and sunny. It was estimated some 2000 people attended.