Jayden Withington's Getting Started Group
Jayden with his group of boys who sat Getting Started in Dance in September
Quiz Answers
The answers to the quiz from Conference are now available as a download.
2011 Conference Photos
The photos from conference can be viewed at www.eventphoto.smugmug.com
Summer Fling 2012
The Summer Fling 2012 Schedule is now available. See downloads for the schedule
Youth Representative Ballot Results
The Executive welcome Kate Wills as the new Youth Representative. Kate will lead the Youth Forum at the upcoming conference in Palmerston North. If you have any topics that you would like to bring up at the Youth Forum please contact Kate on : katelwills@gmail.com
Christchurch Regional Dance Group Performs
On Saturday 3rd September 2011 The Highland Dance Company of NZ Christchurch Regional Group performed at a matinee and evening show at Stac Attack, which is an annual pipe band variety concert presented by St Andrew's College Pipe Band, held in the new performing Arts centre at Middleton Grange College.The item performed was a section of the traditional item "NZ Dancing Feet" choreographed by the dance company's co-ordinators Julie Hawke and Robyn Simmons, to music written and composed especially for the Academy by Jamie Hawke.
The item received a wonderful response from the 2 sell out audiences in both shows, and a huge thank you to the dancers involved for their enthusiasm and committment to the practices and rehearsals.
Amanda Kirk, Sarah Gluyas, Jessica Findlay, Conor Hendry, Lana Donaldson, Sarah Moore, Sarah Kaynes, Lewis Gibson ,Brittany Hoare, Nicole Harding, Chantelle Shatford and Kendall Reid.
The August newsletter was posted today.
Reminder that Youth Representative ballot closes on 09 September and also Dance Development Course workshops are due by 6th September.
For our loyal members that attend conference we are offering a 15% discount on all NZ Academy books and merchandise.
Reminder: We will not have Eftpos available this year.