The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Highland Dance Company of New Zealand - Port Arlington - Day 8 - 13th Jun 2024

Highland Dance Company of New Zealand - Port Arlington - Day 8 Today sees our Company disperse as most of us head for home and a few stay on for a little longer in Oz.
A huge thank you to our dancers who have represented our Academy, NZ highland dance, their teachers, parents and themselves with professionalism and outstanding performances. Over the 3 days of the National Celtic Festival Australia Official at Portarlington our girls each performed around 50 dances with Annabel taking the prize with an astonishing 62 dances! (That didn’t include the rehearsals on Thursday and Friday morning) Amazing mahi by our dancers…girls, you were awesome!
Thanks also to our guest performers, Sara and little Annabelle. You were both stars and added an extra dimension weaving our show together.
Grateful thanks to the parents and family who travelled to support us, we loved having you there to cheer us on and a special thanks to Jenna for all the help behind the scenes.
Thank you to our Academy Exec, Dance Co management team and Raewyn for your assistance, organization and support in making these opportunities available to our dancers.
And finally, sincere thanks to Una, Amanda and the crew at National Celtic Festival Australia for your invitation and hospitality…we had a blast!
Stay tuned for videos of performances still to come!
Robyn and Julie

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