Highland Dance Company of NZ Germany trip - Day 4
After we dodged a 6am start we joyfully waltzed into breakfast. We didn’t get to have a rehearsal so troopround up to board the bus wasn’t until 10am. It was a fairly routine bus ride until excitement struck about half an hour into the adventure when we discovered the road was surrounded by snow. Upon arrival we were ravished and excited to have the best lunch of the trip so far which consisted of mystery meat, veggies, basil pesto pasta, and a salad, as well as a selection of three yummy flavours of mousse. At 3pm the music began and the two Sarah’s and four of the boys stumbled their way onto the parade for the opening ceremony. The battle of the bands between Bulgaria and the Ukraine started while we waved each of the two countries flags according to who was playing. All was well until we let the surrendering flag fly too early- before they had “made peace”. After completing this mishap we sprinted round the back to meet the others for the main performance. We can happily say the third performance of the trip went well, minus Jayden and his centre stage whoopsie. After yesterday’s semi light-hearted threat of getting Shirana’s injection (for her foot) -in a place not appropriate to mention- if we did not warm down, we all decided it was a good idea to stretch. This session was run by the one-and-only, Leighton Terry who kindly expressed the importance of talking to our muscles. During the 2hour break in between our performance and the closing ceremony, we were all of a sudden treated to a ballroom lesson by the show host while waiting backstage.
The show finished with a bang, literally, and we were lucky enough to squeeze in a quick team photo with the backdrop before it was taken to the next arena. Now here we are at 9:45pm after an hour and a half bus ride back to the same hotel we stayed at on the first night. This time we are with our own beds and lucky enough to have our first early night. We look forward to our last performance before our 3 days off in Berlin. Right now we are enjoying a nightcap of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough and Chocolate fudge brownie.
Shirana’s foot is still broken. . But looking forward to hopefully getting a moonboot when we get to Berlin.
Shirana& Sarah G.